An arm chair hunter's trophy wife , a million Rupees in your savings account, a flat in Bangalore, a brand new Honda SUV, a killer sales job, 2 kids, enviable social life - and almost everything that a man can own.
What does one need ? Wait .... What do "I" need ?
Last night I slept peacefully. The thoughts were not taunting me anymore .. atleast thats what I thought. I wish I had made peace with myself ... and then I took one of those "female" magazines ... genuinely female ... went to the loo .. started reading an article which headlined.. "31 things you should do before you turn 30" .
Of all the 31 stupidly astonishing things mentioned in the article, I had done just one - a permanent tattoo on my body - the rest were beyond me ... and I would have hated myself if I were a girl ( hmm a lady?? ) and if I had done even 10 of those 30 in the list .
Or would I have ?
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Past Perfect ....... Future Tense !
Sour-ing Mercury
1:01 PM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The business we are in ....
Vincent: No questions, no answers.
That's the business we're in.
You accept it and move on.
Maybe that's lesson number three.
- Ronin ( 1998 )
Sour-ing Mercury
1:11 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
An Ode to a little piece of my heart
There lies a piece of my heart ..
So detached, no longer feels my part ..
Last few days before it falls apart ..
Help me world, I so need a fresh start.
And Bye Bye dear Sweet World .
Guess you have been so cold.
Leaving me alone ..feeling all tired and old ..
Telling me those stories which were better untold !
Sour-ing Mercury
6:25 AM
Friday, March 20, 2009
Taller than thou
My mom might not have realized that I am taller than her. For her ... I am still that eleven year old who comes late from school .. dirty linen .. ready for another 30 minutes of verbal castigation ... till I bathe myself clean, my well oiled hair neatly combed to the right, with fresh knickers and shirt, with that real big face silently bowed down to the plate full of food and soon after without much play time, push myself to do that days homework. That was a torturous childhood .. but now .. I think I miss it all.
If four words defined my childhood , they would be .. hardwork, discipline, punctuality and godliness. Always denied that pleasure of food outside house, no mingling with 'bad company' and no drinking coffee. ( Wine was something given along with the holy eucharist ) .. Whiskey ? What is that ?
Now .. the orderliness has gone to the dogs .. the dogs are dead and the dead will never rise. ( Or maybe I hope they will resurrect themselves someday along with the dogs and I will clinch my order from the hungry dogs. )
Sour-ing Mercury
1:44 AM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Put the black man in the white house !
"Put the black man in the white house"
Now thats what I call a racist campaign that actually works if you are Barak Obama.I was going back to the research I was doing during the 2008 Elections ... And well ... now I think McCain would have done a better job. I think . Maybe Iam wrong .. maybe we are all wrong .
Maybe the Obama campaign was all a hoax. Maybe half of America just liked a $730 Million advertisement ! ( see the Obama campaign expenditure here )
Just to show you how tacky it was ... have a look at these pictures I got as an email fwd ... I would definitely vote for a really "hard working" "poor president" like him !
Yeah they were right ... A slim guy with a weird name ... Maybe he is just that.
Good luck Mr.President !
In Obama we (still ) trust !
Sour-ing Mercury
1:48 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Stupid cupid
Every time you pass by that stair ..
The apple of my eye moves towards you like a revolving chair ..
And then, without consent, my heart goes to a silent little prayer
Wishing for an evening and a table that you and I could share ..
Waiting for my chance for letting you know how much I care.
Every night your memory lingers like that spilt perfume .
Then I dream all night of you and me - bride and groom.
Morning I dance alone and wait for you in my best costume.
Then I see you laughing past me with someone looking like John Hume.
And then I silently curse my fate and go to the smoking room.
In the ballroom, I watch you from a distance when you dance.
Waiting silently for you to throw a glance.
My heart prompts me to make that right advance ..
Foster my courage and walk up to you in a trance ..
And then .. Trip, fall and spill my drinks all over the expanse.
I know you still despise those lines I never told you ..
And the thought of having your name on me as a tattoo .
What I want from you , I confess, I have no clue ..
But when the time is ripe And the night is blue ..
All I want is to spend an evening with you before I say adieu.
Sour-ing Mercury
11:46 PM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Beauty lies in the perspective of the beholder
He looked into the mirror and asked her,
Do you think we get uglier by the year ... or grow more beautiful ?
She : It all depends on the perspective.
He : You mean ... the angle of the mirror ?
She : No ... depends on who is looking at you.
Sour-ing Mercury
11:30 PM
Soaring Mercury
"Florentino is so in love with Fermina that he eats gardenias and drinks cologne so that he can know her taste. He becomes drunk on the cologne, and his mother finds him the next morning, in a puddle of his vomit, in a cove of the bay where drowning victims are known to wash ashore" - Love in the time of Cholera