Thursday, February 12, 2004

Did Harry meet Sally ?

There are some movies ... made to be watched when you are upset and those movies really make you feel good .. make you jump up on your feet and make you talk to yourselves ....

some how ... im just back after jumping on my feet and talking to myself ... Meg Ryan .. .and Billy Crystal .. .When Harry met Sally .... and some how i had that feeling .. that Meg was made for such movies ... only for such movies ... or is it that such movies are made for Meg alone ??

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day . ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

"Florentino is so in love with Fermina that he eats gardenias and drinks cologne so that he can know her taste. He becomes drunk on the cologne, and his mother finds him the next morning, in a puddle of his vomit, in a cove of the bay where drowning victims are known to wash ashore" - Love in the time of Cholera