Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Best e-governed state !

Goa tops as the best e-Governend state in India in a recent survery conducted by IDC for Dataquest . Karnataka and Delhi follows ...

Few years ago .. one of my friend's sister (an IAS officer) , on her Discover India tour had been to Bihar to find the maturity of eGovernance in that state . Disappointed she was when she found there was no sign of even governance ... let alone eGovernance . !

I have a prejudice againt Bihar and was surprised not to have found it in the bottom list !!! ( UP "turned out" to be the worst ) ..

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"Florentino is so in love with Fermina that he eats gardenias and drinks cologne so that he can know her taste. He becomes drunk on the cologne, and his mother finds him the next morning, in a puddle of his vomit, in a cove of the bay where drowning victims are known to wash ashore" - Love in the time of Cholera