Monday, October 29, 2007

Want Worries ? Buy a Skoda

So says some irate customer . I saw this red Skoda promptly parked on the busiest street in Bangalore ( hmmm 'arguably' the busiest street ) .. on the Brigades.

Remember: Its a paid parking on Brigades ... Thats what you call an obstinate irate owner.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Want to know your past ??

Yesterday on a quick visit to Church Street, I went into the Magazines shop for my weekly quota of Indi-masala. And I found the 2005 Bejan Daruwalla Annual Horoscope ! ( A 2005 annual horoscope ?? ) Isnt that a self deprecating humour to sell a 2 year old version ?

Iam just curious to know who would buy it !
( Let me guess ... some one who lost his memory in a car crash during the end of 2005 and wants to know what happened to him in the early days of 2005 ? ... or .... hmmm iam thinking of more creative answers. )

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sprite bujhaye bas pyas.

Funny ad I found in the car park lot in Garuda Mall.

Btw : I like point #6 :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

'Ever ready' for a boycott

When Dow Chemicals bought over Union Carbide, would they have anticipated a boycott from IITans 15 years later ? Why NOW ? Why not NOW ??
Can the boycott be extended outside the academia and into the real world ?
Can we all join hands and boycott their product ? ( Eveready batteries for the uninitiated )

Is this move good or bad ? What more could go wrong anyways ?? Who favoured out of Bhopal ?
Its time companies had a common quality and safety control standard through out all of its international manufacturing units .

Its all about Pooja !

Its a funny world . Pooja comes every year and goes every year . Everyone wants a good year. Three pictures I took for this years pooja .
1) Before pooja , a motor-mechanic-shop-owner ( phew... is there someone like that ?) clears all the 'junk' accumulated over the past year and turns his shop into something brand new. Readying for a better year.

2) On the day of pooja, some devout believer plants a tree on his kinetic honda. ( Talk about moving trees from Lord of the Rings :) ) . How can he ever ride safely on bangalore roads ?? ( Aaahh bangalore did you say ? forget safety ) The only parallel that I could draw was American highway travellers attaching two pine trees on their harley davidson during christmas and trotting the freeway 101 !!

3) A day after pooja , some one really hopes for a real good year ahead. Wishes came in bundles and bottles .. and probably it was too much of intoxication ... delirious with joy and in high spirits, he forgot his surroundings.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The 'rises' and 'falls' of bangalore roads

I thought Kerala had the worst maintained roads. Surprise Surprise ! .. Bangalore roads are even worse ! Move 3kms away from ITPL ( the hub of Software Companies and where even the Chinese Premier and other international 'figures' are brought in to impress ) and you would find one of the worst maintained roads in or around bangalore. Even worse are the speed breakers ( back breakers ) so steeply made that prompts me to think that the makers were inspired by the Pyramids.

Worse even still ... the roads that have more than 7 speed breakers within 1.5 kms ( not a tinge of exaggeration) have no street lights. So a first-timer on these roads would definitely have a roller- coaster ride ( literally ) .

Recently I got a forward from Gods own country .. A picture that reflects the sense of humour and the exasperation of the people in Kerala. The best roads in Kerala are something to be "fished" for. ( Worth travelling to Gods own country once in a lifetime... )

Friday, October 19, 2007

How much beer can one drink in a life time ?

A brewery in New Zealand has offered a reward of a 'life time worth of beer' for anyone who brings back (or give clues leading to the recovery of ) a laptop, which was a part of a loot after a break-in.

Later this 'life time worth of beer' turned out to be a dozen bottle of beer per month - that comes to roughly 50 liters of beer per year ! And assuming the 'lucky one' gets to live another 30 years ... thats 1500 liters of beer ( and according to their website ... it costs close to USD 9700 ) .. Hmm not a pretty bad deal !

The company has blatantly publicized the latest happenings about case of the missing laptop. I would definitely come back to their site and check out what happened ;)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

If gossip were the food for soul ..

New ( useless ) research has proved that gossip has the unlimited potential to influence people's opinions . Now tell me something new ... Did we need a research for this ???

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Animal Farm

My living quarter has been reduced to an Animal Farm. 2 rabbits and 10 fishes give me constant sleepless company.

Companionship has never been cheaper. We crave .. therefore we adopt.

"Florentino is so in love with Fermina that he eats gardenias and drinks cologne so that he can know her taste. He becomes drunk on the cologne, and his mother finds him the next morning, in a puddle of his vomit, in a cove of the bay where drowning victims are known to wash ashore" - Love in the time of Cholera