Wednesday, October 24, 2007

'Ever ready' for a boycott

When Dow Chemicals bought over Union Carbide, would they have anticipated a boycott from IITans 15 years later ? Why NOW ? Why not NOW ??
Can the boycott be extended outside the academia and into the real world ?
Can we all join hands and boycott their product ? ( Eveready batteries for the uninitiated )

Is this move good or bad ? What more could go wrong anyways ?? Who favoured out of Bhopal ?
Its time companies had a common quality and safety control standard through out all of its international manufacturing units .

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"Florentino is so in love with Fermina that he eats gardenias and drinks cologne so that he can know her taste. He becomes drunk on the cologne, and his mother finds him the next morning, in a puddle of his vomit, in a cove of the bay where drowning victims are known to wash ashore" - Love in the time of Cholera